Less than 1% of all the European cities have a professionally managed brand

Cities need both a brand identity design and a solid brand strategy. A strong brand has both.

Cities need both a brand identity design and a solid brand strategy. A strong brand has both.

Why is that?

People often mistake brands for logos

Many cities have contracted a logo design and now they’re happy that their city has a ‘brand’. It’s not a brand. It’s a logo. Creating brands is hundreds of times more complex than designing a logo. Without strategy, your logo means nothing. Your brochures are less effective. Your ad campaigns are less effective. Your online presence is less effective.

Without a solid city brand strategy, your city is not protected on the global arena, where thousands of cities are competing for the same precious resources: investors, tourists, students, startupers, engineers, inventors, creative minds. Why would they choose your city? Because it has a pretty logo?

Read more about city brand strategies >

Adrian Docea

EU Lead Expert in Urban Brand Strategies, Destination Branding and Marketing


The city branding science is new


While you were designing your city logo, in Asia they were building entire cities from scratch