Top 5 Circular Economy Innovations Making Waves

Photo by Josh Power on Unsplash

A circular economy is vital in the fight against climate change, reports The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). According to UNECE, more world leaders are now aware of the importance of renewable energy in the fight against climate change. They are shifting focus to a circular economy to create sustainable consumption, minimise pollution and extend the lifecycle of products and services. 

UNECE further states that a circular economy aims to create a competitive economy where green jobs can strive and that innovation is at the core of these economies. In the spirit of celebrating all things cutting-edge, I’ve listed five circular economy innovations currently making waves in green-focused economies. 

1. Returnable Packaging 

How often do we see reusable packaging being chucked in the bin anyway? Single-use packaging is a menace in the fight against climate change. Luckily, businesses such as Return Refill Repeat are actively campaigning for shoppers to make a mind shift surrounding single-use packaging. 

ReRe offers smart returnable packaging that brands lease and consumers return for reuse. Consumers are motivated to use and reuse the packaging, as they only pay for the product inside the packaging. ReRe is already partnering with big consumer brands, such as Marks & Spencers and the British supermarket chain ASDA. We love seeing innovative changes that change consumer habits for the good! 

2. Food Waste that Becomes Fibres for Textiles 

Green is the new black, especially in a world of fast fashion that contributes to negative climate effects. More and more startups are shifting their focus to creating a more sustainable world of fashion. Just look at Circular Systems, where banana peels once meant for the landfill are now used to become fibres and, ultimately, fabric. How cool is that! Already heavy hitters in the fashion industry see the appeal, and Circular Systems have partnered with famous companies such as Nike, H&M and Converse, to name but a few. 

3. Eco Bricks to Build Homes 

The building blocks toward a more sustainable future is mastering the art of reusing resources, something the innovators at Ecobricks have mastered. Empty plastic bottles filled with other plastic waste are used to create these bricks. As Ecobricks states, “the problem is the solution.” This type of innovation is exactly what economies need to keep plastic from landfills and out of the ocean while also creating jobs and building solutions. 

4. Remanufacturing What We Use Most 

Although reusing items is an essential part of a happy and healthy environment, one can only reuse certain items so many times. That’s where startups like Circular Computing come in to shake things up. They remanufacture laptops by dismantling existing laptops. They replace crucial aspects of the computer, but repair and repaint everything from the covers and palm rests to the keyboards and soft-touch finishes. Ultimately, consumers are left with new-looking laptops at a fraction of the price and a minimum of 12-month warranty. 

5. Something Old to Make Something New 

Discarded jeans gain new worth over at Vær Sneakers, where snazzy sneakers are made from discarded denim. According to the brand, only 1% of discarded textiles are being repurposed in the fashion industry: Something they want to change through a scalable production method. 

Nicolaie Moldovan

Senior Urban Development Expert based in Bruxelles. Expertise in Smart Cities, Destination Branding, Sustainable Cities, and EU Funding.

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