Europe's Women Innovators Lead the Charge Towards a Sustainable Future

The European Commission has recently announced the winners of the 10th edition of the European Prize for Women Innovators. This accolade celebrates the remarkable women leading the charge in innovation across Europe, inspiring future generations and emphasising the crucial role of diversity in fostering a progressive and inclusive innovation landscape.

The Trailblazers of 2023

This year’s awards spotlighted the extraordinary efforts of women in three categories, highlighting their contributions to sustainability, health, and the digital economy:

Innovators Transforming Industries:

 For all women founders and co-founders across the EU Member States and Associated Countries to Horizon Europe:

  • Winner: Rana Sanyal from Turkey, co-founder of RS Research, is revolutionising cancer treatment with innovative nanomedicines.

  • Runners-up:

    • Natalia Tomiyama from Germany is redefining urban mobility with NÜWIEL’s e-trailers, which can match the movement of the pedestrian or biker pulling it.

    • Elena García Armada from Spain is enhancing mobility for children with Marsi Bionics' paediatric exoskeletons.

Rising Innovators: The Future in the Making:

For promising young women innovators under the age of 35.

  • Winner:  María González Manso of Spain, co-founder of Tucuvi, is transforming patient care with empathetic AI technology.

  • Runners-up:

    • Innovators like Sara Correyero Plaza (Spain) and Bàrbara Oliveira (Ireland) are pushing the boundaries in space exploration and healthcare.

    • Eva Sadoun from France is making social enterprise investment more accessible with

  1.  EIT Women Leadership: Spearheading Change:

For exceptional members of the EIT Community:

  • Winner: Yuliia Bialetska from Ukraine offers a green alternative to plastic packaging with S.lab.

  • Runners-up:

    • Deniz Ficicioglu from Germany is crafting sustainable food options.

    • Cristina Purtill from Ireland introduces innovative solutions for healthcare with Plio Surgical.

Implications for European Cities

The contributions of these women have important implications for urban development and sustainability in European cities. Their innovations address pressing urban challenges, offering solutions that not only enhance the quality of life for city locals but also pave the way for more sustainable and resilient urban environments.

For instance, the development of paediatric exoskeletons and AI-driven patient care models can significantly improve healthcare services in urban areas, making them more accessible and efficient. Similarly, sustainable packaging solutions contribute to reducing urban waste and promoting eco-friendly consumption practices.

The Path Forward: Gender Balance and Innovation

 As European cities continue to navigate the complexities of urban development and sustainability, the insights and contributions of these women innovators offer valuable lessons and inspiration.

By fostering a more diverse and inclusive innovation ecosystem, Europe can unlock new opportunities for growth, sustainability, and resilience. The achievements of this year's winners and runners-up not only celebrate the spirit of innovation but also highlight the importance of gender balance in shaping the future of European cities.

Together, we can look forward to a future where innovation thrives, supported by the talents and visions of women across Europe. Let's embrace this journey, championing diversity and inclusion as we build smarter, greener, and more inclusive cities.

What is your favourite achievement and innovation on this list, and who would you add? Let me know! 

Nicolaie Moldovan

Senior Urban Development Expert based in Bruxelles. Expertise in Smart Cities, Destination Branding, Sustainable Cities, and EU Funding.

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